Heads up! This post is mainly for my own reference, and I only put it here incase someone else can benefit from it if their board isn’t supported officially by MrChromebox’s script.

There I was. I had just bricked my Chromebook for the third time after installing a developer version of murkmod, and I was just about fed up. I wanted to use nmap, but that was only acessible through Crouton and I had just wiped my installation. Fuuuck. After some consideration, I decided to just boot an Arch Linux USB that I had sitting around, and thus I opened a terminal and ran MrChromebox’s script.



Huh, that’s weird. Other hatch devices are supported, why isn’t this one? Maybe it’s just a bug…


Nope, it’s unsupported. Let me look at the source…


Huh?!? It’s right there! Why wouldn’t that work?


Ahh… In the logic, it only works with Chromeboxes. I’m not entirely sure if this is a bug, but oh well. Let’s download and verify the firmware…

curl -LOk https://mrchromebox.tech/files/firmware/rw_legacy/rwl_altfw_cml-mrchromebox_20210415.bin
curl -LOk https://mrchromebox.tech/files/firmware/rw_legacy/rwl_altfw_cml-mrchromebox_20210415.bin.md5
md5sum rwl_altfw_cml-mrchromebox_20210415.bin
cat rwl_altfw_cml-mrchromebox_20210415.bin.md5

As long as the outputs of the last 2 commands match, then you’re good to go. Now, we just flash it to the RW_LEGACY section…

flashrom -w -i RW_LEGACY:rwl_altfw_cml-mrchromebox_20210415.bin

If that command outputs success, then all you should need to do is reboot the system and everything will work!